

So, you've been having lesson with your instructor, Mum and Dad or a friend that has a full licence and has been driving for more than 3 years and is over 21.
And that's been great, there has always been someone there to back you up, help out, or even take over when things get too much for you.

But now its time to go it alone!

It can be quite a daunting experience for the first time.
Take your time!
Possibly go out in your car early in the morning before or after rush hour or times at the end of the day, the roads will be quieter then.
Try and stay local and on roads that you know initially.
That way if it all gets too much you can park up and walk back home.
Do this regularly for a little while and then gradually increase your journey length and then the times of day that you go out.
Because you have to make all the decisions, you will find you learn quickly and your confidence with your own car should grow quite quickly.
If it scares you, then take someone with you even if it is just for moral support.
Once you have the confidence to be in your car at anytime then always be aware of certain dangers that could arise.
Do you have breakdown cover just in case something happens?
You wouldn't want to be left stranded in the middle of nowhere.
Let people know where you are going and an approximate time you should be back, or if going somewhere let people know you have arrived and then let them know when you leave for your return journey with an expected time of arrival.
When parking up (even if just going shopping) attempt to park in well lit areas, and try and make sure your vehicle is facing outwards so if you ever needed to make a quick get away you can just drive straight out instead of having to reverse first.
Keep belongings out of sight!
Even when you are only going to be a few seconds away from the car, such as paying for your fuel.
Lock the car, ensure items are not on display (handbags, laptop, Ipads and phones etc) it only takes a second for someone to pop your door open and pinch stuff on your passenger seat, and its possible no one would even notice them doing it as everyone else is normally focusing on what they are doing rather than who might be pinching stuff from peoples cars.
Never leave the keys in the ignitions with the engine on unless you are in the drivers seat.